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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

77 and 24

kiefer sutherland as jack bauer in 24

I just wanted to give an update on on film I talked about a while ago: '77. The film had its official premiere at the Hamptons International Film Festival where it won the Heineken Red Star Award, which is awarded based on merits of innovation, originality, and vision. Unfortunately, this was during October 15-19, 2008 and there still seems to be no release date in sight.

Now on to the main event: 24.

I thought about posting last night but I wanted to give myself a chance to absorb everything that had happened and not just go on my gut reaction.

Spoilers for Season 8 of 24 ahead, including the finale.

This has been a pretty good season on the whole. I enjoyed the inclusion of multiple staples of CTU threats: assassinations and nuclear bombs. Hell, there was even a slight biohazard threat as the nuke was a dirty bomb, designed to disperse radioactive material to poison its target. I enjoyed Chloe finally getting her chance at running CTU. And above all, it was terrifying and awesome to see a Jack Bauer that was unhinged and out for blood. If you thought you had seen what Jack was capable of, you hadn't seen anything yet.
However, it had some pretty low lows. Almost exclusively Dana Walsh. Her whole back story of being an ex-con and having some redneck boyfriend from her past come back for her and blackmail her was quite possibly the worst, most uninteresting plot line in the shows entire run. Her character was saved when she became a double agent working for the Russians and suddenly took on multiple dimensions, rather than the one she was walking around with.
The last two hours of 24 were filled with some great moments. Such as President Taylor threatening to bomb the hell out of the IRK in order to force Dalia Hassan to sign the peace treaty. Or Jack's moving goodbye to Kim that shows President Taylor the error of her ways. Or Chloe managing to talk Jack down from pulling the trigger on the President of Russia. But most of all, Jack thanking Chloe for all the years of looking out for him. That really hit home. These were all satisfying moments leading to the end.
My issues with this ending is there is so much left unsolved. President Taylor broke up the peace agreement but never set anything in motion to begin the repair of distrust. Nor did she ever give her speech she kept promising to give (wait for it) within the hour. I am glad Jack lived through his last day but was sad to see him on the run again, and presumably, for the rest of his life. I felt that, despite his revenge killing spree, Jack had finally earned some peace. But maybe not. Maybe that is just what I wanted for him. Instead, he remains one of the most tragic characters to ever appear on television. Of all the previous seasons, the only character that is with Jack at the end is Chloe. He has lost everyone else. And in his final moments he says goodbye to her as he loses her too.
It's a heartbreaking end for the series as Jack runs off and the clock ticks down to zero.
Goodbye, Jack. Thank you.

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